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PowerDowel Dance Party - Online

Get your Dowel of Power and let's feel great while having fun!

  • 1 hour
  • Donations welcome

Service Description

To join the Power Dowel Dance Party© - Online with Sima Simone EMAIL: 5minutes2feelgood @ gmail dot com I came up with the PowerDowel© warm up (aka 5minutes2feelgood©) due to physical challenges that have thrown off the alignment of my spine. The PowerDowel© Warm Up is a unique form of "resistance" (strength gaining) stretching, and core development exercising, that focuses on what each body needs at any given time. A gentle, well rounded technique that includes the tremendous benefits of utilizing the Dowel of Power! Facilitating articulated, and aligned resistance stretching, self massage (with meridian activation), and minor spinal adjustments these gentle and effective techniques can have you feeling truly revived - fast! This unique approach to "exercise/stretching" is easy and deeply beneficial. It allows the spinal fluids to flow more readily, helps work stiffness out of muscles and joints in a comfortable (and necessary for some), UPRIGHT manner, and utilizes leverage for a truly blissful self massage. PowerDowel© Dance Parties use the Dowel of Power for warming up prior to the freestyle dance aerobics. COST: $FREE (donations gratefully accepted, thank you) PowerDowel© Dance Parties are held DAILY Sundays Noon-2PM MT For discount pricing on one on ones, simple tips for feeling good, and other great offers please subscribe to my Tune Up Tuesdays newsletter at: 5minutes2feelgood@gmail dot com!! Hurry!! You won't want to miss the treasure trove of helpful secrets available by subscribing! Looking forward to teaming up with you in support of a happier, healthier, well-informed YOU, soon!! Love, Sima Simone

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